August 31, 2009

Some great wine labels I ran across. Designed for the Michael Austin Winery from a design firm over in San Fran called Hatch. They have that silkscreened look I so cherish. I love them! I think they're fun... but, I must confess, I probably would have passed this by in the wine section for myself and summed it up to be 'run-of-the-mill' (because I tend to warm up to the more traditional feel when I purchase wine as opposed to the 'much-too-trendy'), however after discovering it's *story online ~ I do admire them pushing the envelope a little and might try it.

*Story meaning that it was started by two longtime friends, whose names are ‘Michael’ and ‘Austin.’

August 25, 2009

A French Discovery

Was drooling over some silkscreen art over at flickr for inspiration and discovered this couple over in France that does some serious gorgeous work. I felt compelled to share it along with you. Went to check out their website and -- Wow! It's definitely a distinct style, but if you're into this kind of dreamy look -- which I love -- then you'll really drown in some serious poetry that they make (look at the posters and stickers if you can = lush, lush, lush). Anyway, I am more motivated than ever to get my Gocco and start playing myself! Who can blame me, right?

August 7, 2009

Zucchini Spaghetti

I'm hardly a cook (because if you knew of my rinky-dink Boston apartment kitchen, then you would know why), however I am making the BEST zucchini pasta with my brand new toy: the World Cuisine Vegetable Slicer (formally known as the Spirooli). For under 200 calories, you get a very filling dish!

Before: 65 cals worth of zucchini...

After: with sauce and parmesan cheese = 170 calories!

August 6, 2009

More to Love

So many talented designers turning out brilliant work. Came across these posters via Finch (the same paper I selected for my CSF materials). I would LOVE to design poster-size projects with this organic, silkscreen look and feel... one day I'll get a turn. Meanwhile, I'm definitely applying this technique to my shirts.

August 2, 2009

Yummy Stationary

I was really impressed discovering Chronicle Book's stationary this morning. Their collection contains one of my favorite textile artists Angela Adams (have loved her graphics for many years now). Although I'm showing just a portion of the stationary choices you can find on their website (which is well organized and designed by the way), I also had to include the first two images: covers to pattern books. Aren't they fab?!