February 3, 2009

My Favorite Show: Season 4, Down Under!

This show is even better in Australia! I think it's because there is less game-play going on. But you never know if it will turn more to the American version. They do tend to play off of each other because the American trainers brought this show to Australia. Doesn't matter: Bob & Jillian or Shannon & Michelle--I adore them all!! The UK is supposed to start another one too (they have only done 1 season--which was brilliant). I don't know how you could not get addicted to this show! These are good, ordinary people who have sabotaged their lives and, now, are willing to go to/through all extremities in order to change that. LOVE IT!


Marjorie said...

I guess they have their work cut out for them, hope they reach their goals, and understand what it takes to keep the weight off, and are willing to adopt the life change necessary to be successful.

Scarlett said...

Did you watch any of the episodes? I think it's awesome how channel ten became competitive like the american networks (meaning: building a site to re-air shows for their viewers to watch for free).