May 22, 2009

CSF Kick-off

Here's a glimpse of opening day for the Cambridge Science Festival at MIT. This year I designed the entire system for them: multiple street and building banners, program fold-out pamphlet, bags, postcards, flyers, webpage and skyscraper images, posters, a 72-page book among other things. It was the kick-off Carnival event (day 1 of the 9 day festival) which happened in April over at Kresgue Auditorium ~ and it was also one of our first warm days of the year (now that it's May, we have had several others already).

Kresgue Auditorium is that curvy building. Inside there (and under the tent) we had hundreds of vendors doing science projects for kids and families. Such fun!

This is John Durant (Director of the MIT Museum) along with the Mayor of the City of Cambridge (and a few selected others) at the podium behind the children's choir.

Our mini banners on campus. So cute!

CSF also sold some merchandise. I designed the gorgeous bags :)

This is Brenda (one of my favorite/fantastic clients) and those beautiful programs on the table were also design by moi :)


Marjorie said...

It looks like it was a fun day I wish I could have attended.

I would have enjoyed the festival and it would have been a thrill to see all your designs.

Maybe next year?

Denise said...

Wow Scarlett. You did the whole "she-bang" for this fun day. I love the colors. You must have been working endlessly for all the projects you have done. It must be rewarding to see the end results. I am happy to see some of your work