August 25, 2009

A French Discovery

Was drooling over some silkscreen art over at flickr for inspiration and discovered this couple over in France that does some serious gorgeous work. I felt compelled to share it along with you. Went to check out their website and -- Wow! It's definitely a distinct style, but if you're into this kind of dreamy look -- which I love -- then you'll really drown in some serious poetry that they make (look at the posters and stickers if you can = lush, lush, lush). Anyway, I am more motivated than ever to get my Gocco and start playing myself! Who can blame me, right?


Marjorie said...

I agree their art is really beautiful. I envy artists with such vision.

Denise said...

These are beautiful, Scarlett. I bet you could do a fabulous design yourself and then screen print or do a resist on fabric or paper.. Scrumptious!