September 30, 2009

Ethereal Etsy

Etsy is really an extraordinary online marketplace. There are so many thousands upon thousands of talented people out there sharing art. You can spend weeks on that site always discovering something new by the hour.

I came across this interesting photographer who experiments with different styles -- thus creating very whimsical, ethereal and kind of gritty photos. They are remarkable. You sort of get lost in them making up your own fairytale to the story she's showing you. Check out her shop
irenesuchocki next time you visit Etsy! She also has a blog which showcases her gorgeous work if you click here.


Marjorie said...

Talented young woman.

Denise said...

I see what you mean by the fairy tale ambiance. I particularly like the pink suitcase. It just makes your imagination wake up

Scarlett said...

I thought you'd like one of those. When I was picking them out to post, I saw a few with your name on there. :)