March 22, 2010

Leave It To The English

My motto has always been that good coffee and great design make the best of marriages -- however, I am discovering a new teeth-staining focus... which the UK is ill-famed for. Let's face it, they know their teas and now they have a neat new tin. Williamson Tea does, actually. Just saw these on the dieline and had to share. What a great thing to save and hide your greenbacks in (which would be quite fitting, really, since elephants are a symbol of good luck). Wish I could get my hands on a pink one... or the green. I have a tendency to collect. :)


Marjorie said...

I love these tins and love the colors of the first four.
How did you come across them? I am sure the tea is great as well.

Denise said...

Love the elephants!